GATE Program
BUSD GATE Information
Students are enrolled in the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program through passing the CogAT screener and assessment. The 30 minute GATE screener is given online to all 3rd grade students in Burbank. Our 4th or 5thgrade students take the GATE screener if they are referred by their teachers or parents by filling out and returning a HOPE nomination form. Your child must receive a score of 80% or higher on the GATE screener to be eligible to take the full GATE Assessment.
Teachers in Burbank have all been trained in differentiation, which is differentiating lessons for ability levels: i.e. for the same math lesson, some students may be getting a re-teach page dealing with computation, whereas GATE or high achieving students may receive work that is more challenging: story problems, math reasoning, or projects. Currently every student is receiving differentiated instruction at their level. GATE and high achieving non-GATE students may be working on the same assignments and/or projects. Differentiation is the key to teaching every child as an individual. Teachers do not give separate assignments specifically for GATE only.
Please visit the BUSD GATE E-News Website here for more information about giftedness, parent meeting dates, past presentations and slide decks of resources to support your gifted child.
The district GATE coordinator is Terry Williamson who can be reached at The Disney GATE site coordinator is our curriculum specialist, Kelly McNutt. She can be reached at or (818) 729-0100 ext. 10117
Walt Disney GATE Information
GATE Testing Resources
Cognitive Abilities Test™ Practice Activities - Screener
Cognitive Abilities Test™ Practice Activities Teacher Guide - Screener
Cognitive Abilities Test™ Practice Activities-Quantitative Tests
Cognitive Abilities Test™ Practice Activities Quantitative-Teacher
Cognitive Abilities Test™ Practice Activities- Nonverbal Test
Cognitive Abilities Test™ Practice Activities Nonverbal-Teacher
Cognitive Abilities Test™ Practice Activities Verbal
Cognitive Abilities Test™ Practice Activities Verbal-Teacher